Monuments and museums

Church of St. Elizabeth - Blue Church
Church of St. Elizabeth - Blue Church
Art Nouveau (Secession) building in the Old City.   Church of St. Elizabeth began to build in 1909 and was opened in 1913. Church had originally a yellow color, but later was repainted to a beautiful blue color. This color was the... Read more »
Gothic tower in Janko Kráľ Park
Gothic tower in Janko Kráľ Park
Gazebo in Janko Kráľ Park is originally a Gothic tower of the Franciscan church, which was damaged by the earthquake in 19th century. After this event, the tower was moved to the park and a neo gothic extension was built... Read more »
St. Martin's Cathedral
St. Martin's Cathedral
Gothic sacral building, the most important and largest church in Bratislava. Second most popular historical monument in Bratislava after Bratislava Castle. Coronation of Maria Theresa A significant date for St. Martin's Cathedral is 25 June 1741, when there was crowned Maria Theresa as... Read more »
Bratislava Castle
Bratislava Castle
Former royal palace, one of the most important cultural and historical monuments in Bratislava.   Somebody says, that Bratislava Castle looks like an inverted table upside down. I don't like this comparison, because the inverted table looks completely different. Can you imagine... Read more »
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